Find out what we have prepared for you, in this easy to read E-book, and spend a happy summer! Choose a healthy routine and keep the care in your diet throughout the year.
Enjoy these 8 practical recipes developed by our nutritionist, Ana Magalhães Pereira, perfect to take to work, or even to enjoy in the comfort of your home or at an outdoor picnic.
A super important tip, take a look at our E-book with a glass of freshwater in your hand. Hydration is essential! You have at your disposal a perfect guide for healthy eating, with light, delicious recipes easy to prepare. We just can’t guarantee that you won’t be tempted to try everything on the first page. 😉
Find out what we have prepared for you, in this easy to read E-book, and spend a happy summer!
Author: Ana Magalhães Pereira
Learn more about Ana’s work here or on her profile at Nutrium.