As the centrepiece of a kitchen countertop, the sink requires a careful and mindful selection, taking into account its usage, with neglecting the aesthetical side of design. Primarily in what concerns to cleaning and maintenance, the sink’s finishing material is essential because it influences the convenience, speed and resistance of the kitchen’s countertop.

The sink’s size, the tap to be used and accessories must respect the countertop’s structure, harmonizing with the style adopted. At RODI, sinks are designed to be balanced with the rest of the kitchen countertop, and, therefore, we recommend materials such as stainless steel, composite, PVD or glass, that can be easily integrated into the available space.

Choosing the material for the sink depends mainly on factors like cleaning easiness, durability and the functionality expected for that. To assure a better choice, we list the main characteristics and advantages of each material:

  • Stainless steel: with more exceptional durability as it does not suffer corrosion and, consequently, does not generate rust, stainless steel is easy to clean, has a keen aesthetic component and moderately tolerates temperature variations.

Using models such as the Xeron 116, in AISI 304 stainless steel, are ideal for those who need an easy-to-clean surface. However, this material always requires cleaning after use with water, soap or a neutral detergent while drying is a fundamental process; also, it can be scratched, and therefore you should not cut anything directly on the surface.

  • Composite: with 80% quartz as raw material, the composite is ideal for its hardness, easily resistant to breaks and dirt and, therefore, of higher durability.

The strong aesthetic component of models such as the Composite 105B, available in alpine, colorado or nero colour, is suitable for those who are looking for a resistant and ergonomic sink, combining the usability of aesthetic design.

  • Tempered glass: it’s easy to clean, scratch-resistant and has medium tolerance to limescale; due to its smooth surface, it is easy to clean but presents weaknesses when there is a direct impact on.

It is possible to find an easy-to-clean solution such as Lux Glass 116, framing a wearable and ergonomic design, with a high-quality aesthetic touch.

  • PVD: is a ceramic coating with high adhesion, hardness and resistance; its high temperature in production allows a coating with high purity, chemically inert and biocompatible.

Box Lux 40 Gray offers a minimalist design with a PVD finish, making it ideal for a kitchen countertop that combines practicality with aesthetics.

Before deciding to purchase new material, it is necessary to take into account the main materials to be contemplated, given the way of using the tub or sink.

Rodi is a kitchen solution developer that answer each client’s needs by following the guidelines of modern design, leveraged by versatility, functionality and ergonomics.